Thursday, March 19, 2009

Memory Training

It's funny how kids grow up and thank you...without saying so. Ron asked me yesterday for a copy of something we used with the boys when they were in middle and high school. He rolled his eyes at it back then. But now he's got a class where he has to memorize a whole lot of stuff. He wanted me to send him the .mp3's of Memory Training for Students. He remembered how well it worked when he had to learn a lot of material way back when.

It's been so long since I've mentioned Memory Training for Students that most of you readers probably aren't familiar with it. Memory Training for Students teaches very powerful techniques to solve the problem of memorizing the information students need to know. It's great for school, and it's great for life. (Yes, I've used the stuff!) If you and your child have reviewed information over and over, only to have it disappear at test time or shortly thereafter, you need Memory Training. The program is an instant download of a set of five audio .mp3's and a workbook. They are fun to listen to, and easy to follow. Go check it out now, and then forward this newsletter to others - your child's teacher, your best friend, your family… (Unbelievably, after 24 years I'm guilty as charged…)

Visit our website at

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