Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm the Bad Mother of the Year

Sometimes, we get so caught up in life that we forget how little effort it takes to have fun. The other day I was taking our youngest son Ash back to school from an orthodontist appointment. We had stopped at a stoplight, when I thought my son was going to explode. "LOOOOK! A Viper!" For those of you who don't know, a Viper is a car. My son's favorite. And he'd never seen one live and in person. The Viper driver was pumping gas, and my son just about crawled out of the window.

I immediately thought about pulling into the station to give my son a closer look. But I would have had to go through the light, turned around, and moved across two lanes of traffic. And I was in a hurry.

So I didn't stop.

I should have stopped. I denied my son an opportunity to have a little fun added to his day. I should have stopped!

Last week, after a follow up appointment, we passed the service station where my son saw the Viper, and Ash said, "Mom! That's where I saw the Viper!" I could have cried. His memory could have been seeing the Viper up close, and knowing that his mom would go and extra ½ mile for him to do so. It was such a little thing, and I blew off my chance to add a little bit of "special" to my son's day. It would have been fun for him -and for me, too!

So, I hereby crown myself as "Bad Mother of the Year".

I resolve to do better - to have more fun with life, and I challenge you to do the same. Here are some ways that you - and I - can add a little more fun into your kids' lives - and to yours.
  • On a cold morning - warm up all your kids’ clothes in the dryer before they put them on.
  • Give the first grader 50 cents extra to buy a treat with her lunch.
  • Have your boys’ favorite band (yeah - that one!) playing in the car when you pick them up.
  • Lower your voice and brag on your daughter to a neighbor - but make sure your daughter is within earshot and overhears!
  • Pair his name with a positive adjective. “Hello, wonderful Sam!” “Come into the kitchen, Rebekah sweet.” “There’s my beautiful Shannon.”
  • Do one of your son’s dreaded chores.
  • Volunteer at your elementary girl’s school. (Warning, if you’re in high school or middle school, you might have to keep a LOW profile.)
  • Rub your kindergartener’s back while listening to the events of their day.
  • Let your sixth grader help you across the street - tuck your hand under their arm.
  • Send a funny picture to your child's cell phone. (If they have one. Ash, the Viper son thinks I'm the bad mother of the year because he doesn't have one!)
  • Burst into a silly song while driving down the road. Your child will think you’re nuts - and will get out of the car with a smile on her face.
  • Have your son choose the menu for dinner.
  • Instead of being grossed out by the mold in the leftovers, get out a magnifying glass and look at it up close.
  • Break a family rule once in a while. (Like eat dinner together in front of the television, or let your children sleep in your bed when they aren't sick.)
  • Announce one of your child’s accomplishments on your Facebook status. (Read mine here - and Friend me!)
  • And last, but not least, pull over when you see a Viper.

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