Thursday, November 13, 2008

IEP and 504 - Up for Review?

If yours is up for review, consider asking the school to add things to the IEP or 504 that will help keep your child more organized. Some ideas:

~Keeping one copy of textbooks at home.
~Exemption from notebook checks.
~Teacher provided copies of homework and notes.
~A time/place after school to organize materials and assignments.
~An individual to assist child with organization on a daily basis.
~Taping organization cues to desk.
~An extra day to 'find' homework that has been completed by is lost. This can be without penalty or with a reduced penalty.
~Planners completed by teacher or planners signed by teachers.
~Homework papers stapled to planner or homework folder by teacher.
~Permission to use the PAC-kit instead of a school provided planner. (Sorry, couldn't resist the tout!)

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