Monday, October 27, 2008

ADHD - A Walk in the Park

ADHD has been all over the news this week. I was particularly intrigued by a study in the Journal of Attention Disorders that suggested that nature walks improved concentration just as much as - and sometimes more than - medication. It's interesting that the walks in natural settings were much more effective than walks in a city setting.

At our house, my standard remedy to everything from inattention to arguing to stomachache is 'eat some raisins and run around the house'. (It's nice for my home remedy to get validation from a journal!) While going outside to play certainly isn't the cure all our kids would like it to be, we all need to make sure that our children are taken outside to play at home and at school. The fresh air and exercise are good for the body, the mind and the soul. have my permission. Take a walk with your kids today!

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