Friday, December 12, 2008

What They Need To Know

Our school recently sent home an email asking parents to list the skills that were important for a child to know before graduating from high school - and not just academic things. Among other things, I listed: balancing a checkbook, changing a diaper, basic car/home maintenance, filling out a tax return. I started early teaching my boys life skills. At age three, they could make a sandwich. At five, they could use the stove - with supervision. When they were in 5th grade, they were introduced to the iron without supervision. My husband has taught our boys how to change the oil and jumpstart a car. He's helped them to replace a plug and install a smoke detector. And yesterday, I kid you not, he spent about 15 minutes talking one of our boys through how to change a lightbulb...Actually, it was a turning signal bulb that was stuck. It broke while our boy was trying to unscrew it, and then it broke.

What do you think? Beyond Algebra and the Electoral College, what life skills are you teaching your children? I'll be posting reader responses on Monday.

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